The Dow Jones Industrial Average added 0.7%, the S&P added 0.2% Tuesday, while Nasdaq Composite shed 0.2%. The increase was fueled by higher than expected earnings from Home Depot and Walmart, which raised 4.1% and 5.1%.
The new housing data shows that housing starts fell sharply (9.6%) this summer, due to rising interest rates and increasing cost. Even though this might be seen as a indicator of a coming recession.
In global markets, the BIST100 closed 1.96% higher today, Stoxx Europe 600 added 0.2%, However in Asia, results were more mixed, possibly due to recent rate increases. The Shangai Composite Index moved little, while Hong Kong's Hang Sent index shed 1%.
The 10 year US bond yields rose to 2.822%, up from 2.790%. Oil prices slipped down, the benchmark Brent Crude falling 2.9% to 92.34, its lowest level since February.
Data Source: Yahoo Finance